iMeta Science
iMeta Science established in Beijing, China in July 2021, consists of more than 1,000 researchers in bioinformatics, microbiome, metagenomics, biotechnology, etc., dedicated to promoting bioinformatics and metagenomics research worldwide. The organization's main goals are to support potential researchers at all stages of their careers, facilitate the exchange of scientific information, improve research infrastructure, and help scientists build platforms for the publication, admission & recruitment, dissemination of their findings and research methods.
Why publish in iMeta?
Fast decision times. 3 days to desk decision, 23 days to first decision, submission to first online 85 days
Your research will be open access, resulting in more downloads, shares and cites.
There’s no cost to you. Article publication fees are currently waived.
Video submissions make it easier for readers to access and digest content.
Open data and codes will help further advance our knowledge and research and drive impact in the field.
Figures are polished for the highest quality publication.
Brief introduction
iMeta (ISSN: 2770-5986, eISSN:2770-596X) is an open-access and Wiley partner journal and launched by scientists of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The journal aims to promote metagenomics and bioinformatics development by publishing original researches, reproducible methods or protocols, and systemic reviews. The goal is to publish highly impact papers (Top 10%) with a wide range of readers, and to provide peers with novel findings, easy-to-use analysis tools, and systematic knowledge. The first issue was released in March 2022.
Unique Features
• Video submission: < 5 minutes video to introduce your work
• Reproducible: analysis method with video tutorial
• Figure polishing: consistent with top Journal quality
• Promotion by social media: Facebook, twitter, WeChat, and Weibo with 500,000 followers in metagenomics, bioinformatics, and microbiome
Open access: golden open access and 4500 USD / 3807 GBP / 4496 EUR APC waiver before 2024
• Publishing is the beginning: news promotion, translated version, and method updates (protocols, software, database, or scripts)
• Microbiome in humans, animals, plants, and environment
• Meta-omics methods/protocols development and application
• Bioinformatics tools, pipelines, databases, and packages
• Systematic review in metagenomics, bioinformatics, and microbiome
Adress: Room 02A-197, Block C (2nd Floor), No. 28, Xinxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China